Olsson's: Event News

Olsson's is a locally Owned & Operated, Independent chain of six book and recorded music stores in the Washington, D.C. area, started by John Olsson in 1972. As Event Coordinator, Tony Ritchie handles the author readings at our stores. Each week he blogs about his experiences.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Rock your socks off!

So I am driving to work this morning and it hits me. Not literally, nothing hit me literally but I was driving along being annoyed by morning radio when I switched over to the classic rock station and heard The Song. (Note how I made that a proper noun? Ah, the joy of the written word, the power of capital letters.) Now, The Song can change depending on your mood, the weather, the other people in the car, anything really, but this morning I heard The Song and I was struck by an epiphany. My socks didn't quite fly off, but The Song hit me deep in my soul as I was driving along the East West Highway and I knew what had to be done. I knew it was going to be my destiny to get an oversized guitar and learn to play this song.

CD CoverBy now, I hope you are wondering what song I am talking about. The Song I heard this morning that hit my soul so hard was none other than, "Wont get Fooled Again" by the Who. For those of you that are too young to remember Keith Moon getting run over by his own car in front of the Slug and Lettuce after a night of hard drinking. (You know you had too much booze when you get run over by your own car. I am not even sure how that happens.) For the younger among you that have no idea who The Who are, you know the songs that play at the beginning of all the CSI episodes? Not just regular CSI, but all the CSIs. That massive Power Chord that punches you in the chest and makes you weep just a little. Okay, the weeping might be caused by David Karruso's acting, but the Power Chord still rings true. Those songs are all written by The Who!

Pete Townsend on GuitarThe CSIs are all introduced with different songs, but each song is by The Who. I wonder how much money Pete Townsend makes from that? Who cares. He can still rock even though he can barely hear. I suppose that be one of the downsides to being in a rock band. Going deaf, overdosing on occasion, seeing your friends drop off all around you, okay maybe it isn't all hearts and flowers, though I still believe it would be worth it. A life altering power chord is something pretty good to put on your resume.

CD CoverThe Who have a new album out. It is called Endless Wire and is selling like pamcakes (yes, I said Pamcakes) in the stores. They (All two members of the Who) are touring through DC and it is obvious to me that this band is still current and still has something to say. I think I am going to have to fax a last minute request off to Santa and see if he can fit the new Who album into his shirt pocket and drop it off for me. I might just be getting coal, but if he sees fit to notice that I let a driver cut me off without cursing the other day, maybe I will get it. Come on Santa, it is only $13.99 from your local Olsson's.

Tenacious D in the Pick of DestinyAnyway, that is my destiny. I am going to find myself a second-hand guitar, gain twenty pounds and convince Evan to teach me two or three chords so I can charge myself up every morning with a healthy dose of Rock and Roll. Maybe I can figure out a way to introduce an author with a Roger Daltry-esqe wail and a monster E. Maybe it is a C. It might even be a D, see how important these lessons are going to be? Wish me luck. Until then I will be home practicing my rock face.

Editors note: Blogger boy will be back after the holiday break and promises to write about something that relates to his job. If he doesn't, Alexis has vowed to take him out back and beat him with a bar of soap in a sock.


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Tony Ritchie is settling into the job of Events Cordinator. He has been working with authors and books for the last three years, two in London at Waterstone's and one here in the U.S. He reads lots of new fiction and is partial to debut novels. He is an occasional vegetarian and a non-practising Buddhist who watches documentaries, enjoys long walks on the beach and is training for the Olympics.

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