Olsson's: Event News

Olsson's is a locally Owned & Operated, Independent chain of six book and recorded music stores in the Washington, D.C. area, started by John Olsson in 1972. As Event Coordinator, Tony Ritchie handles the author readings at our stores. Each week he blogs about his experiences.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Holy Terror

RomeRemember when I lived in London? Remember the time I went to Rome to see the Vatican? (I went twice in case you missed one of the trips) Well, if you missed both of the trips, I went once in the fall and once in the summer. Both times I was there I ate some very nice food, saw some really nice artwork and met some very nice people. A lot of people. I might be able to say that Rome is one of my favorite places on Earth if you are lucky enough to be there on a day that the rest of the planet decided to stay home.

Rome is such a nice place that everyone likes to go there. If only there were some way to visit Rome without all those crazy people around...

Virginia Writers Association LogoSee what I did there? I made reference to something I have done in my travels and now I am going to tie it back into a little something that is going on in the world of events. But first, let me back up and give you a little info about the Virginia Writers Association. I cut this direct from their website.
The Virginia Writers Association (VWA) is a non-profit community of writers located in Alexandria, Virginia. We are a voluntary membership organization open to writers of all skill levels and to anyone with an interest in the literary arts.
One other thing the nice folks at the VWA like to do from time to time is host author events. The events are a lot like any other author event you might go to in a store, but the authors do a bit more than open their book and read the first chapter then take questions. The authors will explain a bit more about the process of creation and the way they work. Well, maybe that is the same as what they do in a store. Just stick with me, I am kind of going somewhere.

Richard Marcinko with GunHave you ever had that feeling that our government sometimes engages in behaviors that might not be that ethical? Like going into a country that we shouldn't really be goofing around in and perhaps, removing an unsavory character without anyone knowing? What if I told you your government did just that? What if I said, the government had a guy that trained a whole team of guys to be used in just that way? That guy is Retired Navy Seal, Richard Marcinko, who created Seal Team Six, an elite combat unit with the sole purpose of sneaking into other countries and disposing of people there with contrary interests to that of America.

Richard Marcinko will be appearing at our Old Town store in conjunction with the Virginia Writers Association. His new book is called Holy Terror and takes place in Rome. I haven't read it yet but based on his other books, by the last page most of Rome will be blown up and the population of bad guys will be halved. Where was he when I was in Rome?--See? Right there is where I tied it all back to the first paragraph.-- If you have read any of Vince Flynn's books, you should enjoy Marcinko's.

The best thing about the books? They are sold as 'fiction'. In fact they are pushed hard as 'fiction'. When the first book came out it was under NON-fiction. I wonder why? Maybe because HE ACTUALY DID WHAT HE WRITES ABOUT! Where do you think he gets these wacky ideas? He really swam for 20 miles against the tide, snuck into a country, shot a bunch of terrorists, blew up planes and trucks and boats then swam back out without being caught. Then he cracked a beer and sat down at the computer. He even got sued for talking about missions he wasn't supposed to. This is going to be SO much better than American Idol or whatever tele-drivel is on.

Wednesday, April 4th, the baddest man you will ever meet, will be talking about his new book, his writing and perhaps, a few of the things he did in defense of our country. Even if some of those things were unsavory. Come out. Meet me, meet Demo Dick Marcinko and find out how democracy really stays afloat.


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Tony Ritchie is settling into the job of Events Cordinator. He has been working with authors and books for the last three years, two in London at Waterstone's and one here in the U.S. He reads lots of new fiction and is partial to debut novels. He is an occasional vegetarian and a non-practising Buddhist who watches documentaries, enjoys long walks on the beach and is training for the Olympics.

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