Olsson's: Event News

Olsson's is a locally Owned & Operated, Independent chain of six book and recorded music stores in the Washington, D.C. area, started by John Olsson in 1972. As Event Coordinator, Tony Ritchie handles the author readings at our stores. Each week he blogs about his experiences.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Many Happy Returns

I'm back.

Much like a bad penny, I continue to turn up when you least expect. Or, in the case of our newsletter, every Thursday.

I was away for a brief holiday of sleeping on aircraft and on airport floors last week. I love winter travel. Back to my desk that looks even messier than when I left it, and back to a full calendar of events. The first big one you should all put on your list is in our Dupont Circle store. If you are anything like me (I doubt any of you are. Thank your lucky something.) you went overboard the last few weeks and need some help de-toxing, stretching, and putting your life back in order. I have just the thing for you. The book is called "Hip, Tranquil Chick" by Kimberly Wilson. She is a very amazing woman who runs her own yoga studio on P street, set up her own foundation, wrote a book, recorded a CD and basically makes me feel like a complete loser for not having done anything like that. One thing she is, on top of all that, is lovely. We met at a book launch a little while back and decided to put together a talk near her studio to try and help the rest of us schlubs find some sort of center in our lives.

Book CoverFor some more info about Kimberly, her studio, foundation, and other places she will be speaking, you can go to her web site, www.hiptranquilchick.com . For a real taste of what this woman is about and how she got so far ahead of me in the world of grown ups, come join us at our Dupont circle location on Wednesday, January 10 at 7pm. Maybe she can show us all how to sort out our Three-Martini-Lunch-Lives, and live a more tranquil life.

Book CoverIf you can't make it to Dupont, you live in the Alexandria area, and yoga is not your thing. I have arranged something a little different for you. For those of you that have a hard time getting off the couch, you can come out to the Old Town store (Same night, same time) and hear about a little something that might change your life. A little something I like to call, A Nap. The book is called "Take a Nap, Change Your Life" By Sara Mednick. Really, how can you pass up something like that? Imagine telling your boss when get busted with your head down on your desk that you are changing your life. She must know what she is talking about, she has a PhD in Nap-ology. Okay, maybe it isn't in Nap-ology, but she is another person that is smarter than I am.

I am seriously torn about what event I will be attending. I am only one person and I have these two events at two different locations a good distance away from each other. I think I might have to drop back ten yards and punt. Then order a pizza and drink a bottle of red wine while I lounge on the sofa watching American Chopper.

In more personal news, I am going to run a 5k on New Years Eve Day. It is for MADD (Mothers against Drunk Drivers) and starts on the GMU campus in Fairfax.

I, being subversive, am going to wear my T shirt that says DAMM (Drunks Against Madd Mothers) and start at the Finish line working my way back to the Start.

I got my book and my CD for Christmas (See two Blogs ago) but am still waiting on the Solid Gold Harley. Two out of three isn't bad.

I am also going to make up some kick butt New Year's resolutions.
Right now!

1) Drink More Coffee.
2) Write more (look out for that one)
3) Beat Marky-mark in an arm wrestling match.

Okay, that is all I can think of right now. If I come up with anything new, I will post them next week. I hope to see some of you out at the events coming up. Happy New Year's Eve!

(If anyone wants to invite me to a party, I am free, house-broken, and mildly charming when spoken to.)

Editor's Note: Sara Mednick's PhD is not in Nap-ology. Napology is a mythical science that was last practiced by ancient Norse tribes in what is now Northern France. Everyone knows that. There really is a 5k run at the GMU campus. Blogger boy will NOT be wearing a shirt that says DAMM (Although, that is pretty funny). He does not own a shirt that says DAMM and has nothing against Mothers no matter how mad they get. He will be wearing a Tenacious D shirt to the run. Last note. American Chopper is a REALLY good show and is moving from the Discovery Channel to TLC. Check your local listings.


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Tony Ritchie is settling into the job of Events Cordinator. He has been working with authors and books for the last three years, two in London at Waterstone's and one here in the U.S. He reads lots of new fiction and is partial to debut novels. He is an occasional vegetarian and a non-practising Buddhist who watches documentaries, enjoys long walks on the beach and is training for the Olympics.

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