Olsson's: Event News

Olsson's is a locally Owned & Operated, Independent chain of six book and recorded music stores in the Washington, D.C. area, started by John Olsson in 1972. As Event Coordinator, Tony Ritchie handles the author readings at our stores. Each week he blogs about his experiences.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Who Is Looking Out For You?

Welcome back! I trust everyone had a good Thanksgiving? Ate way too much? Fought the crazies at the shopping centers? Good for you.

I boycotted thanks giving this year. So much so, that I have relegated it to small caps and two words. I am not certain why I boycotted this year. It could be my deep seated dislike of the Turkey (Outlined in last years Thanksgiving post. Feel free to check it out.) It could be that I don’t like the way most turkeys are raised and I am trying not to support the industry. It could be that I am just anti-American in all things and I refuse to play your reindeer games. Or, it could just be that I am trying not to eat a ton of food that I don’t love.

Don’t get me wrong; I really like mashed potatoes, and sweet potatoes and the occasional vegetable. I have been known to eat stuffing sandwiches with cranberries on fresh rolls. (Carb City!) This year I just wasn’t feeling it. So I scrapped the whole thing. No football. No Turkey. No pilgrim hats, no buckle shoes, no room at the Holiday Inn, oh no! And it’s beginning to snow.

Sorry, I lapsed into Rent there for a second.

I know you should be thinking of your Thanksgiving message now and I gave you the whole message last week. That just goes to show you how far ahead I am in this blogging thing. Unlike some of the bloggers I know, that dash their work out the morning it is due. Not mentioning any names.

Back to the situation at hand: I am counting the Thanksgiving holiday over at this point. You should all be getting geared up for the big, gift-giving extravaganza that is coming up right around the corner. I am talking about Christmas. I am talking about Chanukah. I am talking about Festivus. I am talking about... anything else I might have forgotten in there. Last weekend, I know you all jumped in and played along with “Unchain America” and I know you are all loyal supporters of all things independent.

I thought I might toss about a few ideas for gifts that go hand in hand with events. I will keep it short because I am well-aware that I used up all my space with Thanksgiving talk.

On November 27th we are supplying the books for the Smithsonian Associates as they host Steve Martin for his new biography Born Standing Up. I know some of you might have tickets to this event at Lisner Auditorium, but if you do not, I might - MIGHT, I Said! — be able to get a few signed copies for the store. No promises, but I will do what I can for the Steve Martin fan in your life. Is Amazon helping you out like this? Are they promising to get you a signed Steve Martin book for the funny man in your life? I didn't think so.

Let’s see, what else is coming up? Is anyone a fan of Burlesque? I KNOW! WHO ISN'T? There is a great book out right now from a local author. I spoke about the launch a couple weeks ago, Kelly DiNardo’s biography of Lili St. Cere, Gilded Lili. I have a copy on my desk at the office and I keep flipping through and I have another event coming up with Kelly on the 29th of November. The event is being held at Urbana inside the Hotel Palomar in the Dupont Circle area of DC. The proceeds will go toward World Aids day along with a couple of other places. Olsson's will be there selling books and donating a portion of the book sales to the cause. If you come down, you can get signed copies of Kelly's book for the burlesque fan in your life.

Well, that takes us to the end of November. There are more things coming down the pipe. We here in Event-land rarely sleep and only eat if we have good company to do it with. As long as you keep coming out to our events (and buying books) I will keep putting them together and sometimes hosting. Take care everyone! See you next week.


Blogger firebat58 said...

If you get books signed by Steve Martin, can you save one for me?
Allen Batson

5:59 PM  

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Tony Ritchie is settling into the job of Events Cordinator. He has been working with authors and books for the last three years, two in London at Waterstone's and one here in the U.S. He reads lots of new fiction and is partial to debut novels. He is an occasional vegetarian and a non-practising Buddhist who watches documentaries, enjoys long walks on the beach and is training for the Olympics.

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