Olsson's: Event News

Olsson's is a locally Owned & Operated, Independent chain of six book and recorded music stores in the Washington, D.C. area, started by John Olsson in 1972. As Event Coordinator, Tony Ritchie handles the author readings at our stores. Each week he blogs about his experiences.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

books books - Dominique Paul - books

Did I mention to you that I am trying to read 52 book this year?

I totally stole the idea from Eric Nuzum (author of The Dead Travel Fast) when I heard him on the radio a while back. I started on November 4th and am trying to read 52 books between now and next November 4th. This is a lot less then 180+ my fellow blogger, the Book Maven, read last year, but I figured I would set a reasonable goal and see where it takes me. So far I have 14 books under my belt with two more half-finished. Yes, I am the guy who reads three books at a time. I am in the middle of The Year of Living Biblicaly and Foolishly Forgotten Americans but I keep interrupting them so I can read books for upcoming events.

Care to hear the list I made it through this weekend? No? Tough, here it is. Ghost by Robert Harris. Stephen King had it on his list of top books this year, how could I pass it up when it was sitting on my shelf? The Killer's Wife by Bill Floyd. It is a new thriller coming out March 4th with a different take on the old who-done-it. And Dear American Airlines by Jonathan Miles. Another new book, due out in June, crafted as a letter to American Airlines while the author is trapped in Chicago due to "weather" that doesn't exist. I thought it was going to be a laugh riot, but ended up in tears by the end. Damn you Jonathan Miles! Don't you know I am sensitive?

Book CoverOkay, back to real time. Speaking of upcoming events, the calendar is filling up nicely. Something this week you might want to check out, Friday night at our Old Town store. The book is called The Possibility of Fireflies written by Dominique Paul. You might recognize Dominique if you are on IMDB (Internet Movie Database) from time to time. She is the writer and director of the film "The Possibility of Fireflies" currently in pre-production. The film is set to star Michelle Trachtenberg who is no stranger to films based on novels. You may remember her from "The Dive From Clausen's Pier" (2005), she played Carrie Beal, the lead role in that one too.

An interesting aside. That link right there is a direct line from Dominique Paul to Ann Packer. - Ann Packer wrote "The Dive From Clausen's Pier" that starred Michelle Trachtenberg who also stared in "The Possibility of Fireflies" written by Dominique Paul. Oh, by the way, both authors have read at Olsson's Old Town store. - Maybe not that interesting, but look for it to be used in the intro.

Dominique PaulNot only is Dominique the owner of a very cool name of French and Latin Origin meaning "Lord", she has been a successful screen writer, a published author, and a Maryland resident, she is a crazy-hot blond, with an equally-hot doggy girl. I was surfing around on her myspace page where I found out she has a penchant for 80 hair metal - WOO! YEAH! - and noticed the strange resemblance to Kelly Preston. I am going to be on hand for this event for a chance to talk the merits of Sebastian Bach's new album vs the old Skid Row stuff with a beautiful (I'm not kidding) woman. Keep in mind that she is a native to the area and that means family will be on hand for this YA event. When I say family, I am talking about her pops who happens to have arms the size of my waist. He looks like he could punch a whole in your face if he wanted to. I and, everyone else who comes out, should be on your best behavior. If you were thinking of skipping this event, I wouldn't recommend that either. The aforementioned father figure will be knocking on doors and kidney punching the no-shows.

Possibility of Fireflies at Olsson's Old Town on Friday the 11th, 7pm. Be there or risk the punchings of an angry father. Buy a book while you are at it. I will be getting one to bolster my numbers in my quest to break 52.


Blogger Tony Ritchie said...

"whole in your face"--You dolt. Don't you read these things before you post them?

1:43 PM  

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Tony Ritchie is settling into the job of Events Cordinator. He has been working with authors and books for the last three years, two in London at Waterstone's and one here in the U.S. He reads lots of new fiction and is partial to debut novels. He is an occasional vegetarian and a non-practising Buddhist who watches documentaries, enjoys long walks on the beach and is training for the Olympics.

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